
Children’s Day at the Educational, Rehabilitation and Upbringing Center in Ustroń

Employees of the Mangata Holding and the BKS BOSTIK volleyball players, as volunteers, took part in the organization of Children’s Day, which took place on May 23, 2024 at the Educational, Rehabilitation and Upbringing Centre in Ustroń.

Thanks to their commitment and creativity, children could enjoy many wonderful attractions and entertainment that made this holiday unforgettable.

We would like to thank all volunteers for their time, energy and heart put into this event. Together we can really do a lot!

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/oerwustron/videos/zobaczcie-jak-wspania%C5%82y-dzie%C5%84-pe%C5%82en-atrakcji-przygotowali-dla-nas-pracownicy-sp%C3%B3/772504431341893/?rdid=FS8mi5gMGIFuxrni